Communication between divorced parents regarding how virtual education will work in separate households will be critical in the coming months.
The Top 10 Reasons For Delaying Divorce
There are a number of justifications for delaying divorce. Unfortunately, some couples remain in troubled marriages too long.
The Divorcing CEO and the Effect on a Company
A divorcing CEO should enlist an experienced attorney with a solid track record who can ultimately help to strengthen the business for the future.
Being the Better Parent During COVID and After
Being the better parent during a custody case involves using myriad resources – from counselors to mediators to divorce attorneys and more.
The Potential Impacts of COVID-19 On Your Divorce
The fundamental impacts of COVID-19 on your divorce are many and require the counsel of an experienced divorce attorney who can help you navigate them.
COVID-19 & Supervised Visitation For Fathers Do Not Mix Well
There are currently too many supervised visitation cases in the Maryland divorce system & COVID-19 has made quick resolution difficult.
How to Conduct a Divorce Attorney Search Without Your Spouse Finding Out
With many people working from home now, conducting a divorce attorney search without tipping off your spouse can be tricky.
Covid-19, Divorce, and the Importance of Pre-Planning
Pre-planning with the aid of an experienced divorce attorney can help you resolve complex financial issues within your divorce in advance.
Pandemic Recovery and Child Support Modifications
The country is slowly reopening. Courts are beginning to hear cases. If you need a child support modification, you should file for one as soon as possible.