In Maryland, there are several grounds for actually obtaining your divorce. They are divided into two categories, fault and no fault.
Can a Guardianship Stop Seniors From Being Scammed?
When seniors are in danger of being scammed, it may be time to appoint a guardian. A guardian has control of a senior’s finances to prevent being scammed.
Finding a divorce attorney that will fight for child custody is important. At SIGELLAW, our attorneys care for the individuals represented.
How To Navigate Divorce With A Business Involved
Learn how to amicably and successfully navigate a Maryland divorce when there is a business involved in the relationship here.
Men & Divorce-The Man’s Perspective On Child Custody
Men and divorce raise issues unique and apart from women and divorce. Learn more about the man’s perspective on child custody here.
Social Security and Divorce- A Primer
A common issue couples ask is how divorce affects their social security benefits. There are different factors that decide how their SSA is affected.
How Does The Howard County Divorce Court Process Operate? Part 6: The Settlement Conference
Settlement conferences are held in a conference room with a retired judge. The judge does not make a decision. There are no witnesses or testimony.
How Does The Howard County Divorce Court Process Operate? Part 4: Mediation
Mediation in Howard County divorce cases is a process where the parties can try to settle or narrow the issues in their case.
Howard County Divorce-How To Unwind After a Day In Court
After a divorce case or child custody case, it is important to unwind. This can be with a good lunch or dessert with a friend.