If you are donating sperm or eggs, legally protect yourself by speaking to an attorney knowledgeable in family law.
I Cheated On My Spouse And We Are Getting Divorced: What Happens Next?
If you cheated on your spouse and planning on getting a divorce, talk with Siegellaw first. A divorce attorney can lay out your options.
Abuse, Domestic Violence & Divorce
Here is a non-inclusive to do list, so you can break free of your abusive relationship, get a divorce and move forward in your life.
Discussing Child Custody With Your Attorney
Discussing child custody with your attorney can be extensive and difficult. This blog goes over each topic to review with your attorney.
The Howard County Divorce Lawyer Q&A-What Do I Really Need To Know?
Divorce is a serious step to take with your spouse. Our post goes over what to do as you go through the divorce.
The Business of the Internet, Emails, Social Media and the Maryland Divorce
Your divorce attorney will want to scrutinize your emails, texts, Facebook posts and private messages, as well as your tweets, pictures and videos.
The hardest custody trials to fight is when one of the partners have mental health issues. We can help you win custody in this situation.
New Privacy Rule Issued By Maryland Court of Appeals
For years, the privacy of information from Maryland court appeals were outdated, but are now planning to be updated. See more of the new privacy rule.
Engagement Rings, Marriage and Divorce
A tricky question after a divorce is “who gets to keep the engagement ring?” The answer is, there are different situations that can decide the owner.