Here is what divorcing couples need to know about how a spouse can claim their retirement benefits in a Maryland divorce.
Planning for Divorce in Retirement: Ensuring a Secure Financial Future
Milstein Siegel reviews key points to keep in mind when planning for divorce in retirement to ensure financial wellness going forward.
What To Know About Retirement After A Divorce
Here is what anyone going through a divorce should know about handling retirement funds and what you can do to mitigate the losses.
Milstein Siegel Partner Michael Milstein Supports Camp Attaway
We are proud to highlight our partner, Michael Milstein, and his dedicated support of Camp Attaway. Read more here:
Protecting Your Share of Marital Retirement Funds In Divorce
Explore what happens to retirement funds during a divorce, including how assets are divided as part of the process.
Divorce Settlements and Retirement Benefits
This guide helps separating partners navigate divorce and retirement benefits. Learn what can be divided, how it’s determined, and avoid penalties.
How to Obtain Alimony as a Man in Maryland
We go over what men should know about how to obtain alimony in Maryland, including alimony types and payments.
Can Men Terminate Alimony Payments in Maryland
Learn common scenarios in Maryland where alimony payments can be terminated, allowing payors to end their obligations.
What Determines The Length Of Alimony In Maryland?
Our Milstein Siegel attorneys discuss the multiple factors that can determine the length of alimony in Maryland. Learn more.