If you are getting divorced, consult with an experienced divorce attorney knows how to locate financial expert witnesses for your case.
What You Need to Know About the Divorce Process
A free consultation with an experienced divorce attorney can help you understand the divorce process more fully and provide critical information you need.
Retirement and the ‘Gray Divorce’
Family law practitioners must prepare for this growing wave of what has indelicately been termed the “gray divorce.”
The After Divorce Checklist
Even after divorce, there is still a lot to do to ensure a smooth transition. This non-comprehensive checklist can help you get started.
Should Divorcing Couples Use A Financial Analyst?
Should divorcing couples use a financial analyst? There’s a way to go about it, and it begins with consulting your divorce attorney.
10 Concerns at the Beginning of the Divorce Process
The divorce process often begins with A, an act that makes continuing the marriage impossible or, B, a long period of planning.
Divorce And The Government Shutdown
If you think you cannot afford a Maryland divorce attorney during the shutdown, we are offering free consultations at Milstein Siegel.
Divorce and Paying for Private School
When families are paying for private school, a divorce tends to complicate whether the kids can continue to attend.
Protecting Your Security Clearance During A Divorce
If you are going through a divorce and have a security clearance, there are certain things to consider to protect your clearance.