Here’s a look at some strategies for arriving at a fair settlement when attempting to divide equity in a divorce…
Protect Your Assets With a Postnuptial Agreement
A postnuptial agreement is a type of contract that spouses who are already married enter into to specify the ownership of certain…
Why Work with a High Asset Divorce Attorney?
Here is a look at why divorcing spouses with substantial assets should work with a high asset divorce attorney.
How to Find a High Asset Divorce Attorney
Siegel Law Firm offers you tips to help you find the right high asset divorce attorney to protect your interests.
What Is a High-Profile Divorce?
Here is a look at what is involved in a high profile divorce and some considerations to keep in mind for those who fall into this category.
What Documents Will I Need for a High-Asset Divorce?
When preparing for a high asset divorce many documents will need to be collected. Income and real estate purchase documents are an example.
How Does a High Asset Divorce Work in Maryland?
How do high asset divorces work in Maryland? Check out this post from the attorneys at Milstein Siegel to find out.
5 Basic Steps to Protect Assets in a Divorce
What are the 5 steps to protect your assets in a divorce? Read our guide to learn. Reach out if you need an experienced divorce attorney.
What is Considered a High-Asset Divorce?
A high-asset divorce is a divorce case that involves marital assets that have been valued at more than one million dollars.