Find a qualified family law attorney with a great deal of experience when handling family law appeals. If your case has concluded, time is of the essence.
Should Adultery Still Be A Crime In Maryland?
More than ever, if adultery is an issue in a divorce case, you need to seek the advice the highly experienced family law attorneys at Siegellaw.
How Men’s Rights Impact Child Custody
If you get blindsided by divorce, your best move is to get an education from a divorce attorney who specializes in child custody litigation.
Child Custody and Schools
If you are involved in a contested custody case, there are steps you should take to ensure your child’s safety and comfort at school.
Alimony And The New Tax Law
Congress’ recently passed tax reform bill has a word of advice for you: Act fast or lose deductibility! If seeking an alimony adjustment in 2018, call now!
How To Appeal Your Divorce Case In Maryland
Our Maryland divorce attorneys can help you determine whether an appeal makes sense and has a reasonable likelihood of success.
Custody, Visitation, and Parenting Plans
Parenting plans will likely become the law in Maryland soon, but why wait? Get a jump on them now. Call Milstein Siegel for help in creating your parenting plan.
Financial Upsides Of Divorce
If you believe that separation and divorce are imminent for you, learn about the potential financial upsides of divorce.
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Holiday Visitation Problems
There are many ways to resolve holiday visitation issues. Learn some specific tips for resolving visitation issues during the holidays.