Here are five additional thoughts on how to not only survive the holiday season, but also enhance the experience for everyone involved.
Visitation Schedules & The Holidays – Part 1
Here are some tips to try to make your children’s holidays better than last year and some advice to build upon for future holiday seasons.
Children Of Divorce Are Not Active
Lurking within the statistics is one major reality: children of divorce tend to be the least active among the various groups of children in this country.
How Detailed Should a Parenting Plan Be?
Parenting plans are written agreements that establish how divorcing couples will work together to care for their children. Learn more here!
Child Custody, Parenting & Social Media
Does the court require parents to be on the same page? The answer may surprise you. Learn more about what courts can & cannot regulate.
What Is A Child Custody Evaluation?
A child custody evaluation is a legal process requiring diligent communication between client and attorney. Milstein Siegel is prepared to help!
How Men’s Rights Impact Child Custody
If you get blindsided by divorce, your best move is to get an education from a divorce attorney who specializes in child custody litigation.
Child Custody and Schools
If you are involved in a contested custody case, there are steps you should take to ensure your child’s safety and comfort at school.
Custody, Visitation, and Parenting Plans
Parenting plans will likely become the law in Maryland soon, but why wait? Get a jump on them now. Call Milstein Siegel for help in creating your parenting plan.