What is the probability you will be able to relocate with your children? Learn about custody and relocation, and how we can help.
Visitation and Halloween
Will you ever get to enjoy trick or treating with your kids in peace? Enter Milstein Siegel, who can provide you with a great education and options,
Your Child’s Question: Tell Me Why Your Divorce Has To Ruin My Life
Going through a divorce can be hard for your child. If they are pushing you through the divorce, therapy can be a great help for your child.
An Overhaul For Child Custody In Maryland Is On The Way-Part 1
A Child Custody Commission has advocated for a new statute to change how judges decide for child custody cases. Read more for more details.
Men & Divorce-The Man’s Perspective On Child Custody
Men and divorce raise issues unique and apart from women and divorce. Learn more about the man’s perspective on child custody here.