There are a number of ways retirement monies can be garnished to pay for child support arrears. Our latest blog has the details.
Can You Divorce-Proof Your Business?
When you divorce-proof a business, you minimize the impact of an owner or employee’s reduced productivity as a result of a family law matter.
The After Divorce Checklist
Even after divorce, there is still a lot to do to ensure a smooth transition. This non-comprehensive checklist can help you get started.
Bouncing Back from Divorce
How humans react while bouncing back from divorce – and all of the emotions that are involved – often reflects how they live their lives.
Should Divorcing Couples Use A Financial Analyst?
Should divorcing couples use a financial analyst? There’s a way to go about it, and it begins with consulting your divorce attorney.
10 Concerns at the Beginning of the Divorce Process
The divorce process often begins with A, an act that makes continuing the marriage impossible or, B, a long period of planning.
Divorce Tips For Non-Divorce Attorneys
When non-divorce attorneys are asked to discuss family law, it is best to provide a reference to a qualified divorce attorney.
Divorce and Paying for Private School
When families are paying for private school, a divorce tends to complicate whether the kids can continue to attend.
Protecting Your Security Clearance During A Divorce
If you are going through a divorce and have a security clearance, there are certain things to consider to protect your clearance.